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The Arwesa Pt 1: How all came to be from song

In the darkness before all time, there was a tone: a solitary note which Umare sung out into the void. No other tone has ever equaled this tone in fullness or beauty. And within this tone resounded other tones emanating from the one. These tones were distinct from one another, but inseparable from the unity of the one. They proceeded from the root distinct, yet inseparable from the purity of the one. And the fullness of Umare sang into the void. And from Umare, the one, came to be all that ever has been.

The first created beings were the Dosciumae: called thus by men because they were created first to glorify Umare. He created them from his song to sing harmony with his song, and he taught them first of all creatures to sing his song and to devise harmonies to accompany his own. All the dosciumae sung together the glorious song with the one. 

As the harmony of the dosciumae progressed, lead by Umare, the void began to be changed. At the new sound the Earth was brought forth. The mountains rose from the seas and pierced the sky. Grass sprouted in the fields, and trees and flowers grew in the valleys and hills. 

The harmony unfolded further and filled the new space. It reverberated through the heavens, and thus the stars were born. They themselves glowed with the light of the song, and in their joy they began to dance through the heavens in time with the song. And their dance was pleasing to Umare. Seven of the stars were greater than the others, and Umare set these planets apart as watch towers over the Earth. From these towers the dosciumae were to oversee and manage the doings on the Earth. From the dosciumae Umare selected seven to be governors of these planets and placed the other dosciumae under their rule. These the men called in later times the Æteslae. These were Atestalume, Arwevina, Nessaluma, Uthlome, Tinbamesa, Breniardine, Dænare. Of these seven Atestalume was appointed the head. His tower men call the Sun, which gives light and governs the days of the Earth.

The dosciumae sang further on, and the living creatures were brought forth from the Earth. Within them also resided the song of the one, and they joined in singing it back to him in unison. 

Last of all creatures came man, but he was not like the other creatures made by the song. In him alone of all created beings Umare had placed the skill to creation song of himself. The dosciumae rejoiced when they saw creation of man, and Umare sent them to the man to teach him their harmony also. As they taught the man, they marveled to hear that he not only sang what they taught to him, but he also sang a new song of his own creation. It was different than the original song, but similar in its form. 

The man sang his new song, and behold, it aligned itself to the song of the one in perfect counterpoint. This new song was its own, but its full glory was revealed as it accompanied the first song of Umare. The Earth around the man heard his new song and sang with him. The heavens continued with the dosciumae the song of the one, and the two songs blended together in one beauteous song. Then Umare rested and listened as his song was sung back to him. And the sound was pleasing to Umare. 



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