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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Crowning of a King

  This morning, May 6, A.D. 2023, many witnessed the coronation of England’s King Charles III. As a devoted admirer of English history, the coronation this morning was something I had been anticipated for months, since the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II. I was up at four this morning to turn on the tv (or should I say the “telly”) to watch the procession to Westminster Abbey before the coronation began. I have been talking to many of my friends and coworkers in the past week asking if they were planning to watch the broadcast as it went out live. Often, I was met with the same question: “Why do you care? It doesn’t effect you.” It is true, as an American citizen, the rule of King Charles does not have any sway over my daily life, but I would contend that it also does not mean I should disregard the coronation for a number of reasons.      Firstly, America was settled largely by the English and is built on English tradition. Our ideas of liberty, freedom fro...