This morning, May 6, A.D. 2023, many witnessed the coronation of England’s King Charles III. As a devoted admirer of English history, the coronation this morning was something I had been anticipated for months, since the passing of the late Queen Elizabeth II. I was up at four this morning to turn on the tv (or should I say the “telly”) to watch the procession to Westminster Abbey before the coronation began. I have been talking to many of my friends and coworkers in the past week asking if they were planning to watch the broadcast as it went out live. Often, I was met with the same question: “Why do you care? It doesn’t effect you.” It is true, as an American citizen, the rule of King Charles does not have any sway over my daily life, but I would contend that it also does not mean I should disregard the coronation for a number of reasons. Firstly, America was settled largely by the English and is built on English tradition. Our ideas of liberty, freedom fro...
“If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.” -C.S. Lewis